Guide - Fishing Progression Guide. (2025)


Water Fishing :-

- At fishing level 0, you can use a normal fishing rod with regular enchants (most importantly : Angler 5 , Lure 5 , Piscary 5) and fish in the Wilderness at the fisherman's hut [ x:155 y:68 z:47 ] and complete his quest.

- After completing the fisherman's quest, you will get the Prismarine Rod. From there, you can go to the moby npc at the Glowing mushroom cave [ x:244 y:54 z:-503 ] and mine glowing mushrooms (you'll find colorful particles around certain mushrooms), you'll need x8 of them to buy an empty chum bucket from the Moby npc [ x:206 y:43 z:-500 ] and place it down while fishing to gain Chum from killing sea creatures (which you can use to fill empty Chum buckets and buy more things)

• The best bait that you can use is the Fish bait which is fairly cheap and grants +45 fishing speed or the Glowy Chum bait which gives extra chum upon killing a sea creature.

- Next, at Fishing level 5, you will want the Chum rod (Purchasable from moby for 4x Full Chum buckets and 15x Glowing mushrooms)

- Now, you have two options, either :

▪︎ Fish in the Park for money and some fishing exp

▪︎ Fish in the Spiders Den for fully focusing on getting more Fishing exp

NOTE : To easily get collections, you can use fishing minions. They are also very good for exp, make sure you collect the fishing minions holding a rod with Expertise and legendary squid for more Fishing experience. You will need super compactor 3000s for fishing minions and medium/large storage (medium is preferable) because fishing minions make alot of different items so they will need alot of space.

- At Fishing Level 10, you will want to get the Angler armor (Unlocked through Raw Fish collection 5, requires 24 raw fish total to craft), provides very good defense against sea creatures and about 4% sea creature chance from the full set (With basic enchants like Protection 5, Growth 5 for extra defense and health).

You will also unlock the Challenging Rod, from Lily pad collection 5 ( it provides 2% sea creature chance and +75 fishing speed. For this rod you will want to add all the enchants from the enchanting table (for now) because it can be upgraded at higher fishing levels and it will keep its enchants.

Enchants include : Angler 5, Blessing 5, Caster 5, Frail 5, Looting 3/4, Luck of the sea 5, Lure 5, Magnet 5, Piscary 5, Spiked Hook 5 Impaling 3 (not necessary)

- At fishing level 12, you may use the Luminous Bracelet which you can buy from Moby. (+1% scc)

- At fishing level 13, you can use Salmon armor which provides +6% sea creature chance and is unlocked at Salmon collection 7 using 24 Enchanted Salmon total and if possible, you can use the Water Hydra head (A rare drop from the Water Hydra) instead of salmon helmet (With basic enchants like Protection 5 and Growth 5 for extra defense and health).

- At fishing level 15, you can upgrade your Challenging Rod into Rod of Champions from Lily pad collection 7 and if you are able, you can add some Tier 6 enchants to your Rod of Champions as you will upgrade it later on.

Enchants include : Angler 6, Blessing 5, Caster 5, Frail 6, Looting 4, Luck of the sea 6, Lure 6, Magnet 6, Piscary 6, Spiked Hook 6 and Expertise 1 (it is highly recommended if you can afford it.)

~Expertise is a stacking enchant (meaning it will increase in tier after you kill a certain amount of sea creatures, it can go up go Expertise 10)

( Expertise 1 grants 0.6% scc and 2 fishing wisdom (which increases fishing exp gained), Expertise 10 grants +6% scc and 20 Fishing wisdom which is the max [ scc = sea creature chance, fs = fishing speed ] )

▪︎ You may also add the Pitchin' koi reforge stone to your Rod of Champions (which will remain as you craft it into higher tiers) , if you cannot get this reforge, you can use Salt Cube reforge stone to apply Salty reforge to your Rod.

Pitchin' koi : Adds 4% scc and 8 fs at legendary rarity.

Salt cube : Adds 5% scc at legendary rarity.

- At Fishing level 17, you can get the Sponge armor set, which grants 7.2% total scc , it also provides good defense. It is unlocked through Sponge Collection 9 and it is crafted with 24x Wet Sponges. You can upgrade this armor at Fishing 24.

NOTE : You may use dolphin pet or Ammonite pet (Ammonite is only good if you have high Mining level and heart of the mountain, minimum being Mining 45 and HOTM 6 )

- At Fishing level 20, you can get the Rod of Legends which is crafted through Lily Pad collection 9 with 128 / 2 stacks of Enchanted lily pads. It provides +6% scc and 105 fishing speed. You also gain access to Divers armor (Crafted through 24x Emperor Skulls which is obtained from The Sea Emperor) which gives +8% scc however for a normal profile it would be too expensive and not worth it. You should only go for this set if you are ironman otherwise wait till fishing 24.

- At fishing level 24, you can get the Rod of the Sea which is crafted with 4 Enchanted shark fins and 4 great white tooth (Which are both obtained from the special event "Fishing Festival". This event occurs while Marina is elected as mayor.)

~ You can also get the Sharkscale armor set which is an upgraded version of the Sponge armor set, you can craft it with 8x Enchanted Shark fins total. (2x per armor piece). It provides +10% scc total and alot of defense and health.

NOTE : You may use Legendary Flying fish or Epic Dolphin pet here, however once you get higher fishing levels Legendary Flying fish is the best pet for fishing. Once you reach lvl 100 flying fish you can apply a Washed up souvenir (which adds +5% scc)

~ Rod of the Sea, is currently the best Water fishing rod in the game (aside from Giant's rod) so it is best to recombobulate this rod.

~ Sharkscale will be the best fishing armor till fishing 36/45, but you will have to add the Deap Sea Orb reforge stone to your whole armor set which adds the Submerged reforge, and you will also need to recombobulate this whole armor set.

Submerged :

Adds 0.9% scc and 4 fs at legendary rarity

Adds 1% scc and 5 fs at Mythic rarity.

- Once you reach this level, you will want to start getting fishing equipment.

• At fishing 36, you will unlock the Thunderbolt Necklace (+1.5% scc).

• At fishing 45, you will unlock the Magma Lord Guantlet. (+1.5% scc).

- Icythic equipment set (gloves, cloak, belt) It gives +12 fishing speed total (4 per).

- Finwave equipment set is an upgrade from icythic. It gives +24 fishing speed (8 per).

- Gillsplash equipment set is an upgrade from Finwave It gives +36 fishing speed (12 per).

Important tips to note :~

• While fishing, you will have to move every 5 seconds or you will not get fishing exp from sea creatures. ( This is to prevent macroing )

• Legendary Squid is the best pet for fishing experience as it gives 30 fishing wisdom at level 100. You will want to have at least 2 pet rules :

Throw fishing rod = equip (best fishing pet) Enter combat = equip Legendary squid

• Champion 10 on your weapon will boost fishing experience, hunter ring will also boost fishing experience, Killing the highest tier of every unique slayer will also boost fishing experience

• Lighter Blue Abicase gives 1.5 fishing wisdom.

• Fishing under a block will make your fishing slower

• Killing any sea creature with your bobber will not apply the Looting effect and so it will give you less drops. Never kill with bobber.

• The best method of gaining fishing exp is barn fishing :~

- This is where you fish on a high place where mobs can fall behind you and not have access to you, you can stack them then kill them all at once using squid pet. - This is best for fishing experience but it does not give any money.

- to barn fish in water, you will need to go to the hub and then to the barn island using an aspect of the end (not using travel pad) then fish on the water canal and let the sea creatures drop into the pen.

Lava Fishing :-

• This type of fishing is done in the Crimson Isles or in the Crystal Hollows. ( NOTE : water fishing rods do not work in lava)

IMPORTANT NOTE : It is ABSOLUTELY necessary to get Bronze Trophy Fisher before Fishing 27, otherwise it will be MUCH HARDER to get.

[ At Fishing 27, you will unlock the first lava sea creature. ]

NOTE: Lava sea creatures are very strong and will easily kill a low level player, so it is recommended to have proper gear (The best option is a mage set) to kill lava sea creatures. The most efficient way of fishing/killing lava sea creatures is barn fishing. You can barn fish at the top of the stronghold for example. Lava Fishing is also the best option for fishing experience. ( Hold a weapon with Champion 10 after you use fire fury and keep moving to gain fishing exp)

[ Mage Gear ]

▪︎ Necrotic Wise dragon armor (wisdom 5)

▪︎ 400-600 magical power minimum (sighted reforge)

▪︎ Glacial Scythe / Spirit Sceptre (Glacial scythe is more expensive but less mana consumed, Spirit sceptre is less expensive but more mana consumed)

▪︎ Manaflux power orb

▪︎ Fire veil wand / Fire fury wand

▪︎ Wand of restoration/atonement

▪︎ Moody grappleshot (for hooking Lava Flames)

- The first lava fishing rod that you will unlock is the Starter Lava Fishing rod. This is the first rod that can be used in lava. It provides +8 fishing speed and it is unlocked at Fishing 10. This rod can be acquired from Odger, an npc at the top of the Blazing volcano. [ x:-374 y:207 z:-811 ]

NOTE : The best pet for lava fishing is either :-

• Epic Dolphin pet

• Legendary Flying fish (can be upgraded to Mythic but at higher levels)

~ At level 100 in each of those pets, you will want to use the Washed Up Souvenir pet item (+5% scc)

- At fishing 27 you will unlock the Magma rod, this is the first fishing rod to have Attributes.


They are essentially buffs to Crimson Isle items. When crafting a Magma rod, there will be 2 random Attributes assigned to it. ▪︎ The best Attributes for lava fishing rods are :-

Double Hook

- 0.5% / 5% to catch two sea creatures at once.

Fishing Speed

- Grants +3 / 30 fishing speed.

• When crafting a Magma rod, the Attributes assigned to it will always be at level 1, to upgrade them you will need to combine the Magma rod with another Magma rod that has the same attributes. This can be done in the Atribute Fusion menu at

Igor [Barbarian Faction, x:-548 y:98 z:-707] or

Alwin [ Mage Faction, x:-82 y:92 z:-734 ]

▪︎ In total, you will need 512 Magma rods with Double Hook 1, fishing speed 1 in order to get a Magma Rod with Double Hook 10 and fishing speed 10 (which is the maximum attribute tier)

NOTE : When upgrading the Magma rod into its higher versions (Inferno rod, Hellfire rod), the Attributes, enchantments or reforges will not change.

- Crafting the Magma rod requires Magma Fish collection 4. You need 10 Silver magma fish (800 magmafish) to craft this rod. It provides +6% scc and 40 fishing speed.

~ This rod can be upgraded to higher tiers through the Magma Fish Collection, so it is best to add all Tier 6 fishing enchants (Buy all the other enchants before buying Blessing 6 and Caster 6) + Pitchin' Koi reforge + recombobulator 3000.

~ At fishing level 27, you will also unlock the Slug boots (+3% scc)

~ At fishing level 28, you will unlock the Moogma leggings (+3% scc)

~ At fishing level 33, you will unlock the Flaming chestplate (+3% scc)

~ At fishing level 35, you will unlock the Taurus helmet (+3% scc)

NOTE : If you already have Submerged Recombobulated Sharkscale armor (as previously written), then there is no need to get this armor set. It is only useful because it is the first fishing armor to have Attributes.

• The best Attributes for this fishing armor are :-

Fishing experience

- Grants +0.5% fishing wisdom per level.

Mana regeneration

- Increases your mana regeneration by 1% per level. [ Requires t3 kuudra kill ]

- At fishing level 30, you will unlock the Inferno rod, an upgrade to the Magma rod. The Inferno rod requires Magmafish collection 8 to craft, you need 16 Gold Magmafish to craft ( 102,400 Magma fish total ). It provides +10% scc and +60 fishing speed.

NOTE : DO NOT upgrade Magma rod to Inferno rod if you do not have 10 10 Attributes (Double Hook X, fishing speed X), this is because to upgrade the attributes of an Inferno rod, you will need other Inferno rods which is unnecessarily expensive and a waste of coins.

- At fishing level 35, you will unlock the Hellfire rod. Hellfire rod is an upgrade to the Inferno rod. You will need 80x Gold Magmafish and Magma fish collection 12 in order to craft this rod. It provides +75 Fishing speed and +14% scc.

- At fishing level 36, you will unlock Thunder Armor, which is crafted using 24 Thunder shards ( Dropped from the Thunder sea creature. ) it provides +16% scc in total. If you apply Submerged reforge and recombobulate the Thunder Armor set, it will give +2% scc more but 4 less fishing speed than Sharkscale armor (recomb + submerged)

- At fishing level 45, you will unlock Magma Lord armor and the Hellfire rod (At fishing 45, you will have unlocked all the fishing items.)

▪︎ Magma lord armor set is crafted with 24x Magma lord Fragments (Dropped from the Lord Jawbus sea creature) in total, it provides +18% scc and it is currently the best fishing armor in the game.

NOTE : One of the perks of Mythic Flying Fish pet is increasing the stats of Magma Lord Armor by 20% at level 100.

~ Hellfire rod is currently the best lava fishing rod in the game.

• Blazing Fortune attribute is recommended for the Magma Lord armor set.

Bobbin' Time III / Bobbin' Time V :~

Bobbin' Time is an Ultimate enchant for fishing armor sets, it boosts SCC, Fishing Speed, Fishing Wisdom, Magic find, Pet luck stats by +0.48% / +0.8%. It is highly recommended for Magma Lord armor (It is not worth it to put Bobbin' Time on any other fishing armor set)

Stars :

- Stars provide a minor stat boost to the item its applied to. [ Increases the item stats by +2% per star ]

- You can star your Rod from Malik (Blacksmith) in the dungeon hub [ x:-81 y:56 z:-120 ]

- Items from the Crimson Isles, can be starred up to 15 stars, To star an item, It will cost essence (crimson essence) and the more stars you get the more expensive it will be. For Magma Lord armor and Hellfire rod, it is not recommended to add more than 7 stars.

NOTE : Starring Crimson Isles items will make them SoulBound (cannot be traded or auctioned)


- To fish up the Thunder sea creature, you will need fishing 36, and Bronze Trophy hunter (Thunder drops thunder shards)

- To fish up Lord Jawbus, you will need fishing 45, and Silver Trophy Hunter (Lord Jawbus drops Magma lord Fragments and the Radioactive Vial which is a rare drop, it can be used to upgrade the Legendary Flying fish into Mythic Flying fish)

▪︎ To recap, the best Fishing setup in the game will be as follows :-

- Gill Splash equipment (glistening reforge and recombobulated for intelligence)

- Pitchin' Hellfire Rod (T6 enchants + 7 Stars, not worth it to upgrade past 7 stars)

- Recombobulated Submerged Magma Lord armor (Perfect sapphire gemstone, Stars, t6 enchants for defense and health, Bobbin' Time 5)

- Mythic Flying fish (level 100, washed up souvenir pet item)

- Fish bait (+45 fishing speed)

- Mushed Glowy Tonic potion (+30 fishing speed)

- Century Cakes (+1% scc)

- Beacon T5

- scc enrichments on Legendary and Mythic talismans (+0.3% scc per legendary/mythic talisman)

- Mage weapon (Midas staff + fire viel / Hyperion [NOTE: Hyperion may void fishing experience some times])

~ This is the end of the fishing guide,

I hope it helps.

Enjoy fishing!

By: TechnoDeluxe

Help from : JagDeLuxe, Gnasez, SoutifDeLuxe, SidiliciousYT, _Death_God_

(Thank you all! ♡)

Edit: Added Thunder screenshot and fixed a few things.

Guide - Fishing Progression Guide. (2025)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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